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Practical Civil Engineer Handbook By P.N. Khanna

Civil Engineering Handbook by P.N. Khanna

This book titled “Civil Engineering Handbook by P.N. Khanna” has been complied primarily for the “Practical man” and should prove a most useful work of reference to the young engineers of various public works departments. The object of this volume is to give a fairly complete but concise account of the various subjects to serve as a ready reference for everyday-work problems which constantly con-front the engineers. Whether in the office or in the field, without having to wade through numerous books and notes.

All possible efforts have been made to make the book comprehensive and complete by itself. Packed with as many details as possible. Elucidating in simple and plain language the engineering principles in sufficiently practicable and most easily applicable from free from advanced mathematics.

Title of the Book 

Practical Civil Engineers' Handbook

Author of the Book 

P. N. Khanna

About Author:

I am Thomas Britto here to share my experiences in the civil engineering field to all my readers.Today many students are struggling to buy books at high prices. So I decided to start a blog and share my experience and knowledge with all my readers.

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1 comment

manikanta said...